Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mozzarella Chicken

1 egg
Bread Crumbs
6 Chicken Breasts
1 1/2 cups Marinara Sauce
1 envelope of Onion Soup Mix
Mozzarella Cheese

In bowl whisk together 1 egg and 2 tbsp water.
In another bowl mix 3/4 cup bread crumbs (I used Italian style bread crumbs) and soup mix.
Dip chicken in egg mixture then into bread crumb mixture.
Grease a 13X9 inch baking pan and bake uncovered for 25 minutes. 
Pour marinara sauce over chicken, sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top, and bake for another 7 minutes. 
Yum!! You can also add mushrooms to the sauce if you like them.

Find something that makes you Happy!

Do you do something that makes you happy? We all need those things in life that we enjoy, that we look forward too, that we know can lift our spirits. What is yours? Or if you don't have any, why not? Life is full of crazy days, crazy nights, be here, be there, do this, do that. What ever happened to the things in life that make us happy and be a better person? Because we all know when we are happy, so is everyone around us. Who wants to be the grump in the group or Debbie Downer all the time. I know I for sure do not want to waste anytime or energy being that person. So my challenge for you is to go out and find something, anything, that makes you happy! Have fun!!:)


"God will bring things out of you that you didn't even know where in you."- Joel Osteen

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Look to Others

Today while I was grocery shopping, I hear someone whistling. I first thought who is making that noise? Then when I turned the corner I see a man minding his own business grocery shopping and whistling. He had the calmness and happiness about it. He was truly enjoying himself and having a good time. I thought, " You know, that is what life is about. Whistling and enjoying all that you do." It brought a smile to my face in which I smiled to him when we crossed paths. He had an attitude of life is good and I am living a good life. Now call me crazy to think all of this just by a guy whistling. While others may have been annoyed by his action, I look to it with insight and fun. So thank you man at the store for making my day and making me realize that life is good!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celebrate all that Life has to Offer

Often times, we look past the little things in life that make the BIG picture.  We need to celebrate those things, events, people, accomplishments, and everything in between. Celebrations can come in all different ways. It can as simple as a note to congratulate to a dinner to celebrate. But the point is, to remember all the things life has to offer! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's not who you are that holds you back, it what you think you are not.

Your Health is your Second Job

We all have our careers we do everyday. But now especially with a diagnosis, but life in general too, your health is your second job. Whether you make time for this new job or not, you better start. For me and my MS, any doctors appointments I have to go to, I look at it as doing my "job" in keeping healthy. I do not look at it anymore as a chore, rather than a job well done by doing the best I can in it. I look at it as I am lucky to have the time to go to my appointments and lucky to continue to fight. If you look for the good and the positive in your new job, it makes it almost enjoyable in a weird way. It makes the time sitting at the doctors office more like "me time" rather than " I do not have time for this" attitude. If you feel like you do not have time for your health, you better make it. No one is going to do that for you, so you must! Stop for a coffee either before or after to enjoy, bring a good book, bring a journal to write in, or people watch (that is always funny or you can notice someone who has it way worse than you do, but let's go with the funny things you can see). So are you ready to take on your new job with determination and positive attitude? I hope so!